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Archive for February 2009

Ten Future Terrible Taxes Terminated

Tea Tax:

In 2012, the passage of the no tax on tea throughout the world causes many to rejoice. A small minority try to insist that the wording is wrong and the new no tax law actually affects all items and businesses that contain the letter T. Granted, this group is only 54 strong, but they do have a MySpace presence.

Taco Bell Tax:

In the future, ala Demolition Man, Taco Bell becomes the one corporation that owns everything. People buy Taco Bell gas, shop at Taco Gap, and consume Taco Bell Tacos. In a move generally not liked by the population at large, Taco Bell decides to institute a hefty Taco Tax. The resolution will be known when Sylvester Stallone regains his movie career.

Ten Pin Tax:

In a future where bowling once again makes a comeback (including a lot of bowling related movies), the powers that be (the bowling alley owners who control everything in smoke filled back rooms, that smell of used shoes…) plot a Ten Pin Tax on bowling. There’s a bowl-a-thon where an animatronic version of Fred Flintstone bowls a perfect game and saves the planet from excessive bowling taxes.

Tax Tax:

In a possible future somewhere a tax on tax appears to slip into legislation somehow. The world congress, being the world congress, is asleep at the wheel and the tax on tax begins to reproduce. That’s right. It soon becomes a tax on tax on tax. And so on. Eventually, Trekkies familiar with Tribble removal are called in with a squad of highly trained accountants. Crisis averted.

Reality Tax:

In an even more flooded by reality television future, some smart Hollywood or Bollywood - no, my fault, it was Gollywood (yes, Google gets into the entertainment business in the future) - anyway, they decide that all reality “shows” should be taxed. A loophole not noticed for 24 hours accidentally taxes all of reality. A kind lady named Chloe saved the day via cellphone in a parking garage.

Moon Tax:

In a secret document not released until 2011, it was learned that Kennedy not only promised to get man to the moon first - he also proposed a moon tax that is still in effect! After unsealing, the world number crunchers crunched their numbers (sponsored by Team Rice Krispies and the impossibly crunchy grapenuts cereal) and came to a startling conclusion. The moon had to be sold due to delinquent back taxes. In a move that startled the world, Iceland and Greenland pitched in and bought the moon, renaming it Moonland.

Tie Tax:

During the great tie revolt of 2010, when men around the world suddenly and collectively refused to continue wearing ties, the Tie Tax Break was instituted, single handedly saving the entire tie making industry around the world. For each tie a man wore he received $5 off his tax bill at the end of the year. As you can imagine, it soon became fashionable to wear more than one tie. Timothy “Tie” Johnson in New York City held the record for many years with his business suit made entirely of ties.

Turtle Tax:

In order to slow a booming economy, some slightly deranged world leader in an uncertain future declared a tax on turtles. Not on turtle owners or turtle sellers, but the turtle’s themselves. This was to be the sole tax for the whole planet for 4 months. Needless to say, the economy slowed down quite a bit. Stupid turtle tax.

Inheritable Tax:

Unlike an inheritance tax from the tax, the inheritable tax was created in a tax happy future to adequately tax citizens for all of their ancestors. It was only pennies for each relative from your past, but with humans going back as far as they did, it became quite expensive.

Invisible Tax:

In a future where the arms race went crazy, an invisible tax robot was created and let loose on the population. If the invisible robot snuck up on you and tagged you with its sticker gun, you had to pay an extra tax of whatever amount was on the sticker.

“Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believed.” - Daniel Defoe

Added: Monday, February 23, 2009

Taxes Fan-Effing-Tastic

Hundreds of years ago, colonists in North America rose up in revolt over what they considered to be a punitive tax from their British overlords, a tax that amounted to less than 3% of the average person’s income. In today’s world, the absolute lowest income tax bracket is 10%, with most people falling in the 15%-25% range. The highest tax rate is 35%, and under our next president, it will be increased to 39.6%. The highest ever rate was 94% during World War 2. Funny, I don’t remember telling the government that they could just help themselves to my hard-earned pay.

That’s just the income tax, though. We can’t forget to mention the state sales tax, which at varies depending on what state you live in. Some states charge as low as 3.5%, while others charge up to 7.25%, as well as an additional sales tax imposed by the city (up to a whopping total of 16.5%).

Why stop there? There are plenty of other taxes in this country. Had a loved one die recently? Expect the government to help themselves to a piece of your inheritance. Bought a new house? You’re going to have a pay a property tax. Done well playing the stock market? That’s going to get taxed too. Get a free car by going to see Oprah live? You’ll have a to pay a percentage of the value of that car. Want to fill up your gas tank, have a drink at a bar, or buy a shiny new shotgun? You may not see them, but there are taxes imposed on items like those as well.

Wait, it gets even better: Let’s say you buy a new camera online, and the physical location of that store is in a different state than you are. You’re expected to report that purchase at the end of the year on your state tax return, along with anything else you may have bought online in the past year. That’s no big deal though, right? I’m sure you kept the receipts for every item you bought on eBay, Amazon, and Newegg, along with all of those other tiny, no-name stores. I’ll bet you even did your research to make sure they weren’t located in your state, right? Good citizen.

Why do we put up with this crap? Why do we, the hardworking people of America, have to bow down to the tax laws established by a group of old, senile fools who go sailing on their private yachts and can vote themselves a pay raise at any time they want? I’m sure if I could vote myself a raise, sorry, a “cost of living adjustment”, I wouldn’t worry about paying taxes either.

Did you know that congress actually considered an e-mail tax at one point? Keep in mind that half of them have probably never used a computer in their life, much less understand how the series of tubes works. Their rationale was that normal “snail mail” is taxed (via stamps), so that new-fangled e-mail contraption should be treated the same way. Can you imagine what that would have done to online communications? Instead of firing off an email to your boss anytime you had a question about a project, you’d have to walk down the hallway, knock on his door, and hope that he wasn’t busy, or else have to pay a few cents to send your message. How many emails do you write per day? Dozens? Hundreds? What would that cost you per month if you had a pay a nickel per message? Also, how could such a system possibly be implemented? Congress didn’t care, they just saw one more resource they could tax, and left the details to the little people. Thankfully, that particular idea never got off the ground.

What’s the point of this mess of rules, regulations, and percentage signs? Public services? You mean like the roads that are always under construction, the police that fail to keep crime under control, and the education system that just can’t compete with the rest of the civilized world? Oh wait, I know. The money goes to bridges named after senators, welfare mommies who pop out a new kid every three years to get government aid, and best of all, aid for other countries. Yes, we’re sending aid to countries who burn our flag, kidnap our civilians, and buy weapons instead of food and medicine. We’ve got tons of problems at home, but we’re cleaning house overseas


From Togas to the Tea Party to the Internet

Toga Taxes:

While around before the Roman Empire, taxes were taken to a new level during the long years that Rome ruled a large portion of the world. Some say that over taxation had something to do with the downfall of the Roman Empire because citizens back then weren’t too happy with taxes either.

The beginning of the Roman Empire saw taxes relatively low, sometimes rising a little during times of war. As Rome conquered and expanded its empire, they had to devise new ways to tax the people to pay for further conquest to tax even newer people … and so on. Even at its height, though, a lot of people don’t think Rome was excessive as modern taxes.

Tea Party Taxes:

During the 18th century, taxes also played a part in one of the biggest events in the history of the United States - the American Revolution. One of the events felt by many to be the first big sign of the American Colonies wanting to change things was the so called Boston Tea Party.

Fed up with tax breaks for British Tea and with a mood of “No Taxation without Representation” in the air, Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty showed Great Britain what they thought of their attempts at unfair taxation in the American Colonies. That’s right. Taxes had a hand in starting the United States.

Internet Taxes:

Will commerce on the Internet ever be taxed? Will there continue to be Internet Tax Freedom? While some online sites have to pay taxes in states they operate in, taxes on the Internet is still new and very open to change. As we stride into the 21st century, the Information Age, taxes will surely come along for the ride.

The current theory is that any taxation on the Internet would stifle its tremendous growth. As time passes, though, and more and more of the world’s population begins to get online, the powers that be around the globe are sure to start publicly showing their plans for Internet Taxation. Will this lead to an Online Tea Party? Would it consist of hacker’s pretending to be AOL members and trolling the forum of an as of yet unnamed evil organization that wants to tax Internet usage?

Future Tax:

Will taxes ever be eliminated entirely from human society? Will there always be a need to pool resources through taxation to enable certain services to be performed for the good of the whole? These are tough questions. As part of the Information Age generation, though, you’re likely to have a say in how taxation evolves in the future.

Time passes and taxes are still tossed about - smoking tax, fat tax, wheel tax, air tax, tax tax. Where will it end? What is the future of taxes? Taxes are usually loathed, but they do have their use. And history has shown that taxation can lead to world changing events. As such, they should be something that every responsible adult thinks about and takes seriously.

Tax Task:

Here’s a task concerning taxes that’s simple and can possibly help make your life a little better - spend a half hour each week using the Internet to find out more about taxes. Maybe it’s the history of taxes. Or modern tax laws. Perhaps it’s tax breaks and how to get them.

Whatever the specific topic, spend a half hour (or more) each week educating yourself. Not only will you enrich your life, you’ll enrich the lives of those around you. Taxes might seem like a boring or unnecessary evil, but they’re something that affects the whole planet in one way or another. And who knows, you might stumble across some tax law that lets you write off all the snacks you consume during summer months.


E-Tax System

How many times does the term’ tax’ appear in your life? Even if you are not aware of tax, you must pay it. You have no choice when tax is considered. Paying taxes is obligatory when it is due. If you fail, you might experience the simple fine to long spell prison.

If you are new to tax or even if you are much familiar with it, I will suggest you E-TAX option. E-tax is a free service offered by Australian Taxation Office website. E-tax is very simple to use. It lets you to get ready and lodge online your tax return. It is a user-friendly program. It has number of advantages like time consumption from calculating and filling a lot forms for taxes.

As told earlier, an easy procedure is followed to fill the form in e-tax and e-tax option is much faster than paper return. In e-tax system, you will receive your tax return within a couple of weeks while it takes six or more weeks to collect through the paper return. E-tax calculates your tax automatically. This is another benefit of using e-tax which avoids the human made error in calculating and filling the form.

Other information related with the e-tax such as Government payments, Medicare info, bank interests, etc can easily be received with the single click from your computer. Since the information provided by the e-tax system are generated and computed automatically, you can expect a better tax return when the information is accurate .This is an additional benefit of e-tax system.

Some people are very fortunate. They receive cash return at the end whereas others might be supposed to finish with due. You can minimize the unexpected payment like due with the use of a short-term loan, accessible online through Payday Cash Loan. This is the nice approach of escaping from the lack of cash till the next paycheck.


Financial Crisis Affects America

The economic crisis that the world is currently experiencing is on the same level as the great depression in terms of effects and seriousness. The business journals started writing about the crisis months before everything came out in the open. The crisis started in the United States of America and it quickly spread to the rest of the western world. Many investment banks, insurance firms and mortgage firms were affected by the mortgage crisis. The crisis spread from across the Atlantic to Europe and it become a liquidity crunch as no bank wanted to lend money to another for the fear of not having enough money to pay its depositors. The liquidity crunch prompted world leaders’ especially central bank leaders to come up with measures to stop the crisis from becoming an epidemic. The crisis continue is to evolve from a liquidity crunch to a currency crisis as many investors are placing their investments in currencies that are stronger like the yen which were not affected by the liquidity crisis.

Currency trading is being affected by the financial crisis as well; the forex traders are having to investors that are seeking the yen or the Swiss francs. Investors are people who will always look for a safe heaven when stock markets tumble. The financial crisis has made sure that global stocks tumble and thus investors are now investing in gold and other currencies. Many reports that people read will talk about how Bear Stearns has gone down or almost went down but they for get that the biggest losers in this financial crisis are the ordinary people that work five jobs trying to make ends meet. The family that has a house that has been repossessed, they have lost their homes cars. Some people have lost their jobs especially those people that worked for small businesses, the firms they worked for had to close down because they could no longer get credit from banks to sustain their operations. The employees of the banks that went bankrupt some of them were retrenched and they lost their source of income.

Governments allover the world have come up with bailouts, the funny7 thing is that the money that is being used to fund the bail outs is tax payers money the same people that are suffering because of the financial crisis. They are many causes that people have come up with to explain why the markets behaving the way that they are. There is one explanation that I think most people have over looked. The public itself, ordinary people are to blame to some extent because they did not adhere to financial self discipline. Most people during the low interest rates they went to the banks to take out a second mortgage on houses and cars. They went to take those mortgages fully aware that they could not either afford to do so or were already struggling to pay mortgage s that they currently held at that time. Basically what I am trying to say is that people did not leave within their means but decide to, leave a life they could not afford. It is interesting to note that most people took the second mortgage to buy things they already had or to buy luxury items.

The bailout plan in the United States leads to other central banks in the world following suit and not all of them were having or introducing their own bailout plans. Countries that were affected by the crisis especially in the European union are the ones that came up with their own bailout plans. The likes of china cu8t interest rates, the central bank of china reduced the rate at which commercial banks borrow from it. The Indian and Australian banks come up with injections of cash into their banking systems. The smaller countries in Europe like Luxembourg, Belgium and Dutch nationalized a partly nationalized a banking group. The question that is left in many peoples minds is how this was allowed to happen by the authorities the truth of the matter is that they could not do anything because Wall Street has always had little federal control exerted over it.

The question that many people have been asking them selves is that what should be done to prevent this from happening in the future. Before I get into that, during the great depression the same question was asked and eight or so years on the world is facing the same dilemma. Unlike the great depression whereby speculation was the biggest cause, the crisis that were are facing now is very complex and does not have speculation as its biggest cause. What this means is that the possibility of this happening again in the future is as good as the chance that was there when the great depression happened.

The financial crisis is starting to evolve becoming a crisis to many people who thought they would not be affected for example the car manufacturer Disclamer Chrysler and general motors are also looking for aid package from the federal reserve to help out their merger. Japanese investors are being affected by the increase in value of their currency against the dollar because of traders that are favoring the yen. This has the effect of making Japanese exports very expensive and thus lose market share overseas. The falling oil prices have lead to oil producers feeling the pinch of the financial crisis. Such is the seriuosne4ss of the crisis that it has become an issue in the presidential campaign between Barrack Obama and John McCain. McCain suspended his campaign to help out in the development of the bailout plan in its early days. The economic policies of both candidates now contain an element that has to do with the crisis especially on how they would solve it.

Whether it ends tomorrow or in a few months the crisis has lead to many people coming down to earth and not leaving in a cloud. The possibility of anything happening in the future I have always said is subject to whether it has happened before and if it has then it will definitely happen in the future the question this time is what will be the causes be?


How to Criticize Effectively

In the today’s world, criticism is often needed to correct mistakes or behavior. Making that criticism effective is vital to solving the problem. Though criticism is uncomfortable for some people, there are some steps that you can take to make your criticism constructive and helpful.

The first thing that you should do is clearly identify the problem. Many people attempt to criticize before being clear about what the problem is. By isolating the problem, and giving it a fair amount of consideration, then you can give criticism that can be helpful and direct. You do not want to wander in your criticism. Stay on topic.

Another thing to remember is to limit your criticism to one thing at a time. If you have an employee that is making multiple mistakes, focus on the most vital correction and stick to it. Trying to criticize in a broad fashion is both ineffective and demeaning. Only address problems one at a time.

When delivering criticism, always ask their opinion on the matter. By involving them in the process, you encourage and foster an atmosphere of correction and consideration. This is a key element of effective criticism. You do not want the individual to feel as though they are being punished or made fun of. You simply want to correct the problem.

Before approaching anyone to criticize, have a clear idea about what you want to say. Trying to criticize effectively while winging it is a very bad idea. You are likely to say something that you did not mean, or hurt the person’s feelings instead of helping them to move forward past the problem.

Never criticize someone out in the open. There is absolutely no benefit to embarrassing someone, and it will instead only create resentment. Always pull someone off to the side to deliver constructive criticism. This will be appreciated by them, and they will be much more likely to listen.

Effective criticism is always accompanied by positivity. You should always focus on the end result of improving the problem, and how it will help them. Criticism is a tool to use to improve a situation or problem. That is a positive thing to strive for, and should be delivered in a positive way.

Never criticize while angry. Anger distorts the problem and will only foster anger in the person being criticized. Nobody thinks clearly when they are angry, and effective criticism is nearly impossible to do when you are upset. Take time to cool down before trying to criticize.

After delivering clear criticism, always make certain that you discuss possible solutions with them. Pointing out a mistake and then offering no solution is pointless. Always give them a chance to join the discussion, and do not try to talk over them. You should aim to encourage more than criticize to be effective. Point out the problem, why it is a problem, and then move on to the solution.

Once you have discussed solutions, make sure that they understand your suggestions. Often, people are embarrassed while being criticized. This can lead to them not fully understanding the solutions that are given to them. Encourage them to explain the solution to you. This is especially effective when criticizing employees.

Criticism is an uncomfortable necessity at best, and downright frustrating at worst. Some people respond well to criticism while others reject it immediately. If you keep these ideas in mind when delivering criticism, then you will give yourself the best chance of doing so effectively.


Have a Relaxing Season with Money Saving Tips for the Holidays

You’ll have a much more relaxing and enjoyable end-of-year when you equip yourself with money saving tips for the holidays. Money saving tips for the holidays can be found on the internet, in newspapers, and in magazines and it is worth your while to find out all you can. Don’t let economic recessions spoil this special time of year and learn some money saving tips for the holidays. Here are a few.

Stop trying to buy everyone’s approval. This is one of the money saving tips for the holidays where you’ll be glad you went through the discipline required to implement it. Unfortunately, in many families there is an attitude of materialism that rules. Many will think they have good relations with other family members only to find out how ugly relatives can be when you don’t have the cash or credit cards to splurge on them. Give yourself a break and realize that buying approval through gift giving is futile and you set yourself up for disappointment. Be nice about it but you’ll find that this one in the group of money saving tips for the holidays will show you who you really have strong relationships with.

Set price limits on spending. This is one of the money saving tips for the holidays that is budget-friendly. Budgets love fixed expenses. You can count all the members of your family and extended family who you typically exchange gifts with and put a limit on how much to spend for each ($5, $10, etc.). The amount depends on your budget. Where this really works as one of the great money saving tips for the holidays is where you get everyone else in your extended family to agree to that amount as well.

Have holiday get-togethers and bring food but don’t be so formal. This is one of the money saving tips for the holidays that can actually save you a bundle. Don’t have lavish dinner parties. Have pot-luck get-togethers where everyone brings their favorite family dish and comes in their jeans. If anyone wants beer or wine, tell them to bring their own. This is a time to relax and having these casual occasions can be quite fun.

Don’t buy plane tickets at the last minute for holiday travel. This is one of the money saving tips for the holidays that many times gets overlooked and family reunions are missed because of the travel expense. If you are planning to have all family together for the holidays, get those plane tickets as soon as you can. Some purchase their tickets as early as August to make sure they can afford it.

Maximize on end-of-year clearances. This is one of the money saving tips for the holidays that stores don’t advertise much as they would rather make their profits before the holidays. The fact is that retail businesses try to clear out their inventories as much as possible in order to close the books for the end of the year. Also, retail businesses have goals to get their stock levels down as low as possible because it is easier to take inventory counts at the beginning of the New Year. The bottom line is that prices are lower and you can take advantage of them.


What is Microeconomics ?

The two words mean a millionth part. When we speak of microeconomics we mean a mall part of whole economy that we are analyzing or in microeconomics we analyze the units e.g., a firm, a consumer or an industry. In other words we study a general price level instead we discuss price of a particular commodity. While studying rewards of factors of production, savings, investment, income, employment, demand and supply and not the aggregate savings, investment, national income, general employment, aggregate demand and aggregate supply.

While Studying micro economics it is assumed that there is full employment in the economy and average price level is fixed and hence, the problem left with us is what to produce, how to produce, how much to produce and for whom to produce.
Following problems are discussed and studied in microeconomics:

1. Consumption Theory:
We study the behavior of the consumers i.e., why people purchase consumer goods, what is their aim both in utility and indifference curve analysis.

2- Production Theory:
In production theory we discuss how goods and services are produces and how factors of production are combined together. What is the cost of production and how it can be minimized?

3- Price Theory:
Problems of determination of prices of goods and services are studied in price theory. The effects of price mechanism, affects the allocation of resource, consumption pattern, investment direction, choice of method of production etc.

4- Distribution Theory:
In Distribution Theory we study pricing of factors of production, Determination of rent, wages, profits and interest i.e., how rewards of factors of production are distributed in an industrial unit.

Merits of Microeconomics:
Following are the merits of study of microeconomics

(i)- Individual Decisions:
Microeconomics is helpful for analyzing individual decision making unit e.g. households and firms.

(ii)- Rational Choices:
Study of microeconomics is useful for making rational decisions regarding maximization of satisfaction by consumer and maximization of profits by the producers.

(iii). Helps in Understanding Macro Economics:

Macroeconomics is nothing but the addition of individual behavior as a society is composed of individual, macroeconomics is composed of microeconomics. Therefore, study of microeconomics means study of macroeconomics as a whole.

Demerits of Micro Economics:

1. In free economy there are always problems of depression, over production and price fluctuations, so there is no stability in economy and there problems are not studied at micro level

2. Some results are beneficial at individual level but are worse at national level e.g.
• Increase in profits due to increase in price is treated good for producer but general increase in price level produces inflation in economy which is harmful.

• A producer can increase its profit by reduction in wage rate but if wage cut policy is adopted in the country it decreases the purchasing power, which in turn will decrease the demand for investment and creates unemployment.

• Increase in Personal savings looks good, but if major portion of income saved is not further invested it brings depression. Increase in monetary savings is not beneficial because it will not bring economic development.

• Increase in consumption at individual level is not treated good but if consumption expenditure decrease beyond a certain level in the economy rate of investment goes down and therefore, unemployment increases in an economy


Doing Your Christmas Shopping Online

When it comes to Christmas shopping, we mostly think of going to the shopping centers and malls which is often crowded and fighting it out for the parking space and finding the products displayed in disorderly manner, etc. For many of us this is what actually means when it comes to Christmas shopping till some years ago. Some very much enjoy this hustling way of shopping with crowds. They find it as part of Christmas and enjoy it as they have got used to it for years. But for many this may not be an ideal way to shop especially for Christmas.

For those who don’t enjoy the above mentioned way of shopping there is an alternative for it. And that is doing your Christmas shopping online. Although shopping online for Christmas is a relatively new experience for many but with the popularity it is gaining every year proves to show that it might one day replace the regular shopping at shopping malls and stores in the very near future.

When it comes to shopping online for your Christmas gifts, you should do it a bit earlier than that of the regular shopping. You should do this because of the time gap it will take for the product that you order online to reach you. But don’t do it too early as you might actually miss the key bargains and deals which they mostly offer around three to four weeks before Christmas.

You should also look for the shipping charges while shopping online as some shopping portals charge you with unimaginable shipping charges and always lookout for it and during Christmas shopping if you want the products delivered even quicker the shipping charges may even double up and you should be wary of such additional costs while shopping online. Hence you can go for regular shipping and for that you will need to do your shopping early. The right time to do your Christmas shopping online would be around 1 to 2 weeks before the actual Christmas day. Some online portals also offer special services of delivering the gifts exactly on the Christmas day or Christmas eve and do lookout for such offers when shopping online

When doing your shopping online for Christmas, you should buy the products only from the reputed sellers. As this is the time of the year where very many fake sellers creep up and might even cheat you by luring you with very attractive bargain but fail to send the product. Many shopping portals offer the rating systems for many sellers and do look for such rating from the seller you are going to buy.

The main issue that one might have to experience when it comes to online shopping for Christmas is that you cannot actually see or touch or feel the products you buy and it may look better or different online than in reality. Hence, to avoid this, you may actually go for the products which you know how it will look real time and have seen it elsewhere before to avoid disappointment when you receive it later.

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Eliminating Employee Theft in the Workplace

Theft is a growing problem in the workplace and often, the theft comes from the inside. As easy as it is to shoplift at a given place, it is even easier for an employee to steal. Given this, eliminating employee theft in the workplace becomes vital to any business that is trying to turn a profit.

The first step to eliminating employee theft is to make it clear that you are aware of the possibility. Make sure that you have eyes on every person in the workplace through the use of cameras and constant surveillance. If you can not afford a good camera system, then it becomes vital to be a presence that is always around and aware. A manager that sits at his or her desk all day is not likely to know what is going on throughout the day.

Another very effective way to eliminate employee theft is to screen every single person that comes to work for you. Make sure to do a background check, and follow up on references. Thieves often leave a trail, and you can head off future theft problems by simply screening your employees properly.

Each and every employee that comes through your doors to work should be informed that eliminating theft is high on your list of priorities. Do not be threatening, but make sure they are aware that there is a zero tolerance policy on this infraction. Then enforce that zero tolerance.

Be the example for your business when it comes to employee theft. If you occasionally take home that office supply, or grab that occasional free soda, you are sending the message to your workers that this behavior is okay. Make sure that you stick to the rules as well.

If you work in an environment of high priced items, use good inventory control measures. Lock up all expensive products, and require a daily or weekly inventory check. Control the keys that are available and always leave one person in control of the lock. This creates accountability, and will help foster an atmosphere of policing one another.

Eliminate any private areas in the workplace. Other than the bathroom, there should be no areas in the workplace that allows complete privacy. All areas should be in plain view of others. This will help to avoid employee theft by eliminating hiding places. Keep all doors open, and everyone in view.

If you stick to these general employee theft prevention standards, you will see a large drop off in employee theft. Theft among employees is usually a situation that is created by opportunity. If you eliminate those opportunities, then the employee theft will diminish in turn.


Getting a Raise In Sixty Days

In the troubled economy that we are now facing, getting a raise may seem like an insurmountable task. Getting a raise within sixty days seems impossible for sure. Believe it or not, most anyone that is willing to work for it can increase their pay rate in this short period of time. This applies to new or old employees, regardless of current status.

The first step to getting a raise in sixty days is to set up a meeting right away with your supervisor. This meeting needs to be private and at a time when you will have no distractions. Ask your supervisor to set an appointment with you during non-business hours so that you can talk without interruption.

Prior to your meeting, sit down and consider where you are with the company. Ask yourself your strengths and weaknesses, and write them down. Be honest with yourself, as your supervisor surely will be. Make sure that you take note of any special accomplishments, and reasons that you feel that you may qualify for a raise in pay. More importantly, write down new skills that you want to learn to help you qualify for that new pay rate.

This is where people usually make their mistakes. They concentrate on why they deserve a raise now, rather than what they can accomplish to earn a raise in the near future. This is the ace in the hole to someone trying to get a raise. Find that skill that you need to master to make yourself invaluable to your company.

When you sit down to have your meeting with your supervisor, thank him or her for their time. Let them know that you realize that to earn more money, you have to provide more value to the company. At this point, you will want to list the things that you feel you are good at. Ask their opinion to get an idea of where they see you in the company.

After listening to their response, inform them that you are on a mission to make yourself more valuable over the next sixty days. Give them your plan of action. In other words, tell them the things that you know you are weak in, and how you plan to fix them. Also, ask for training in two or three new skills that you can master to increase your value to the company.

Any supervisor worth their salt will help you in this endeavor. Ask for their help, and compliment their participation and expertise. Let them know that you want to learn, and make yourself a better employee over the next sixty days.

Once you get the buy in from your employer, then ask them if they would be willing to reconsider your pay rate if they reach all of these goals. Tell them that you want sixty days to try to master all of these skills, and then to meet with them again for a review and pay rate consideration.

Getting a pay raise in sixty days is not magic, however. You now have to put in the work and master those skills as promised. The beauty of this particular strategy is that you are giving yourself the chance to grow. You can also do it over and over again.

In the event that your supervisor will not do this for you, maybe you should consider looking at other companies. If a supervisor or company is not willing to help you help yourself, then they are not worthy of your unique talents and efforts. Move on to a company that can provide you with the chance to grow and earn.


Teaching Your Employees To Follow Directions

Getting employees to follow directions is the single most difficult thing that an employer faces on a daily basis. Following directions is a vital part of the profit chain, and mastering this skill set is the hallmark of any great manager.

Fortunately, this is an easy way to shine if you follow some simple rules.

When giving directions to employees you must always be clear of the expectations. If you are not clear about what you want, then your employees will not be either. Before giving directions, sit down and instruct yourself on what you want. Ask yourself the questions that you are likely to hear from your employees. Once you have a good idea of those questions, answer them.

Always make certain that you have the full attention of your employees when giving directions. Do not attempt to direct employees while they are already busy on a task. Have them stop what they are doing and listen.

Use yourself as the example. If this is a repetitive task such as stocking shelves, take some time to stock the shelves with them and show the way you want it done. There is nothing like a visual, clear demonstration to make your directions clear.

Have your employees either repeat your directions back to you, or perform the task in front of you first. This is very important, because it gives you the opportunity to answer questions and observe. This will give your employees confidence, and increase their productivity.

Never make fun of “silly” questions. What is a dumb question to you may be a serious question to your employee. Take every question at face value, and give an honest and clear answer.

Speak in a firm, clear tone of voice. Do not shout directions or speak in a muffled tone. Some people are not confident enough to ask you to repeat unheard directions. Make certain that you are speaking clearly.

Finally, make certain that you follow up with all directions. Do not wait until the deadline for the directions to come and check on progress. Stop by about a quarter of the way through to see how things are going. Enforcing standards and making yourself available are great ways to inspire confidence in your workers.

Clear and easy directions are very easy to master if you take the time to put yourself in the employee’s place. If you do this, you will have productive, happy employees that understand what you want and how you want it. This is very good for your business.


Finding And Hiring Top Employees

Hiring top employees for your business is the single best way to ensure success. Finding those top employees can be a real challenge, but with some work you can do so successfully. Top employees are easy to recognize if you know what to look for.

When looking for top employees for your business, it is very important to have your finger on the pulse of your current staff. Often, the best employees are right there in your office, just waiting to be trained and promoted. Always be aware of excellent workers who are only in need of further training. This is an excellent source of top employees.

Another great way to find top employees is to set up or attend a hiring fair. Those potential employees that take the time to attend a fair are usually motivated to succeed. Make sure that you take the time to talk with as many people as possible, and that you take excellent notes. It is a good idea to have a log book for them to put their contact information. This will allow you to call back potential top employees after the hiring fair.

Have your finger on the pulse of your competitors. The best top employees may be working for your competition. This is a very tricky situation, but can be overcome rather easily. If you have your eye on an employee in this situation, simply give them a call and ask if they would like to come in and talk. Often, they will be glad to hear what you have to say.

Go outside of your demographic for potential top employees. Sometimes having a fresh set of eyes can be very powerful. If you have an excellent training program, or an entry level position, look at all the employees around you. Waitresses, waiters, customer service staff, and all of the workers that you encounter during your daily life can be a wonderful source of top employees. Never dismiss someone because of perceived qualifications.

Go through old applications and make some phone calls. Often when people apply, their applications get lost in the shuffle. There is almost always a diamond in the rough lying right in the middle of your files. Take some time to get in there and dig. You just might find your next superstar.

Finding top employees is about awareness and effort more than anything. If you are paying close attention to those opportunities around you, and working to create new opportunities, then finding the next top employee will never be a problem.


Doing Your Last Minute Christmas Shopping

Just like many others, are you a last minute shopper for Christmas? Then you must know that for the visit to your nearest shopping mall would end up being a horrendous experience for you. This is because of the huge rush that you might expect there from all those who are out there to finish up their last minute shopping for Christmas.

Just a visit to the shopping malls during that time will tell the tale for you. With the parking lots filled to the brim, you will have to fight among others to find a parking space for your car. And to add to your woe you will end up moving through a whole lot of people inside the mall with hardly any space to move around. They are all out there to find an ideal gift for their loved ones at the last minute. You will find it extremely difficult to continue your shopping with the crowd around you most of the time.

You will end up searching for any gift which is acceptable rather than looking for the ideal gifts due to the situation you are in with the crowds and non-availability of the gifts that you are looking for.

Some prefer to do their Christmas shopping out of necessity and some have no other option but to go for the shopping only at the last minute.

One such set of people who do their last minute shopping are the students who would otherwise will not have any time to do their shopping due to the exams which might just end only during the second week of December or around it. Due to this situation they just might not have any time or possibility to do their Christmas shopping early. Hence they will have no choice but to go for the last minute shopping only.

Some last minute shoppers just postpone their shopping till the last minute because they were just born with such mentality. They would actually go to the shopping centers early but would either do just the windows shopping or just do some other shopping thinking of doing the Christmas shopping later and finally ends up being a last minute shopper. Although they might know their situation but due to compulsion they do it and will go through their shopping chores along with the crowd in a difficult manner.

There are some who do the last minute shopping just because they enjoy it and thinks it as part of Christmas itself. Some even enjoy wading through the crowd while shopping and find it actually as being a challenge. The challenge of finding what they want with the confidence level they have. Although for some it may be a stressful experience but for some it is just an exciting way to do their Christmas shopping.

If you are like the one who wanted to do your shopping in your way with ample time and do it in a relaxed manner then you should at all cost avoid doing your shopping at the last minute, especially for Christmas.

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Saving Extra Money Tips for Everyone

It’s a tough economy and your hard-earned wage probably is not going very far. It’s time to start saving extra money in order to prepare for the future and live with less stress. Saving extra money takes discipline and re-examining your spending habits. Let’s examine a few ways people are saving extra money while continuing to cover their expenses.

Don’t pay attention to advertisements when saving extra money. There’s nothing wrong with advertising as it is a crucial element needed by businesses in order for them to be successful. But when your goal is saving extra money you want to stick with a budget. Advertising in general tries to convince you that you need what you can really live without and what you most likely cannot afford.

Use fee-free checking accounts. There is no reason to pay what seems like a few dollars each month for a checking account when many banks offer this service for free. Saving extra money means cutting back on even those small amounts because over a period of several months they add up.

Learn to be entertained at home. When you get back to the values of enjoying family and friends at your home you will begin saving extra money almost immediately. It is even expensive going to fast food restaurants for entertainment. If it means cleaning the house extra or fixing up the back yard, you’ll find that having a cookout or playing some board games will be a fun and relaxing alternative. Everyone likes to get out sometimes but if you do make sure you find inexpensive places of entertainment.

Reduce your vices. Saving extra money is next to impossible if you don’t cut down vices like alcohol and tobacco. They are expensive and the producers of these products know it. Plus, everyone knows they adversely affect your health and you’ll end up nullifying any saving extra money you did at the doctor’s office or hospital.

Don’t run a mini-entertainment park for your kids. Your children need to be taught the concepts of saving extra money and it is important to start them young. If you can teach them that life is not about constant entertainment you will give them a life skill of saving extra money that will probably keep them out of trouble in the future. Learn to do things as a family that require less money like camping, playing sports in the back yard, bicycle riding, or just walking to the park. Kids even love going for something simple like ice cream.

Don’t carry your credit cards. They go against any attempts you make to be successful at saving extra money. If you need a credit card, it’s better to carry a check debit card with a major credit card logo. This way you know if you have the cash to purchase an item or not.

Choose diversions that don’t cost like volunteering. What makes saving extra money so difficult for many is because they like to get out of the house and do things. Don’t join some expensive health spa or spend your whole paycheck on weekend skiing. Volunteering can be helpful for saving extra money. Churches are always looking for volunteers of some sort and you never know who you might meet. Volunteering is not for everyone but it is one viable option for saving extra money.


How To Find Bargains With Christmas Shopping

Christmas is a season where buying gifts takes the front stage than any other shopping and this is also the period where one worries a lot about the budget in which we would end up doing the Christmas shopping. Although for some people money is not at all a criterion when it comes to shopping for Christmas, while for some it is the biggest concern of all. So, whatever may be your criteria or preference, you can always lookout for the special deals and bargains that you get everywhere during the Christmas season.

Looking for bargains during Christmas is not at all a tough job but actually to find the products without bargains would be tough especially during Christmas period. Almost every store offer discounts and deals and bargains throughout the entire year but that actually manifolds into many times during the Christmas time. This is mostly because to fight the stiff competition that exists during the Christmas shopping time and to attract more number of people to their store, they fight it out a silent battle to woo the customers.

To really find out whether a particular item is indeed sold with a bargain, then you will need to actually go out for a special windows shopping just before the actual Christmas sale begins and should note down the products or items in which you are planning to buy and gift it to someone or buy it for yourself. Once you have done it and now just go back to the same store and look for the same product and see the price and if you could see a genuine price difference, on the lower side, then you can come to the conclusion that they are indeed doing a genuine bargain sale and go for it and also look for other items around the store with bargains and can go ahead and buy them because of the genuineness you have found using this method.

In actuality, if you find a real good bargain that is too good to resist, it is not a thumb rule to always go for it. Instead you should think twice on whether you really that product or not. If you don’t do so, you might end up with huge credit or huge budget at the end of Christmas. Since not all items will be always needed or used by you. You should use your head rather than mind when it comes to buying items in bargain sale, especially during Christmas.

During Christmas shopping especially on the bargained products, you should always look for the return policy. As most of the products sold during Christmas sale cannot be returned in case of a defect in it. You should specifically look for this in the terms or ask at the store before you buy during Christmas bargains shopping. As you really don’t want to gift a defective gift to someone you love and also later regret to know that you cannot even exchange it. Hence knowing about return policy is extremely important during Christmas bargain sale.

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Global Financial Crisis

The global financial crisis has reminded many of the great depression in the 1920s. The investments banks in the United States have suffered heavy losses and this has had a ripple effect on the rest of the world. Before I go further into the financial crisis it is best to define what financial crisis is. It is when financial institutions see they value being seriously depleted. They are many reasons and assumptions why they occur but there is little consensus. There are various scenarios that can be paced under a financial crisis but in context with the crisis that the world is facing it is called a credit crunch. A credit crunch is where by banks no longer land out money because they fear that they do not have enough cash in their vaults.

The financial crisis that the world is going through started a few years back at least the seeds were sown a few years back. There was a time in the American economy where by the interest rates were at an all time low borrowing money was easy and people could afford to pay what they owe on their mortgage. The low interest rates lead to people taking out more than one mortgage on one house. The big banks also got in on the act as they wanted a piece of the pie banks started lending out mortgages to people who either had a bad credit history or that person was not employed. In other words many banks forwent the minimum requirements for one to take mortgage they did so because the interest rates were low and people could afford to pay their monthly installments.

This went on for some time and as the number of people taking out mortgages grew they are many people in the financial sector that saw theses (mortgages) as a good investment and that is were investment banks like Bear Stearns got into the picture. Banks were now packaging those mortgages into investment packages were by foreign banks could also buy. The foreign banks themselves did not bother to check if the minimum lending requirements were observed. The problem started when the interest rates started to go up and this lead to many people falling back on their mortgage payments. The failure by people to pay their monthly installments led to banks having to reposes those house or cars that people had bought using mortgage money. The effect of the foreclosures is that it flooded the housing market and as the economic theory elasticity of demand goes the more goods in the market the price of that good goes down and so did the prices of houses in America. With the prices of houses going down, the banks when now selling the houses at a lower price than what they needed to offset the debt of mortgage and thus banks were now making losses. The problem escalated when no bank wanted to borrow money because they were all afraid that they did not have enough cash to pay their depositors back as they had lent out the money and got losses.

The banks started having problems because they had to they had to borrow money to pay their depositors and that was no longer possible because no bank was willing to lend money to any other. The banks had to file for bankruptcy with the authorities and the effect with filing for bankruptcy is that it meant that depositors would lose their money. This is bailout talk starts. The United States government had to act because after Bear Stearns applied for bankruptcy many other banks followed suit and this was causing panic in the financial sector and the economy. There were fears that the economy would slip into recession and that would bring a whole host of problems. The Federal Reserve decided to bail out the banks by giving them credit. What exactly happened is that the government was buying shares in the banks that had filed for bankruptcy so it was not like they were being given money for nothing. You as an individual you will know that it is difficult for people for operate without credit and it is the same for major corporations. The causes of the financial crises are complex and varied some of the reasons need some one who is in the profession to understand then fully but I will try and explain some of them. Government policies are a factor, the government of to previous administrations were trying to provide housing to many Americans who id not have by relaxing the rule and regulations associated with mortgage lending. The central bank of America is to blame as well if you look at the history of the central bank they have always been there to react to the problem and never do their try and stop or prevent the problem from happening. The reason why central banks decide to react is because identifying the problems and its symptoms can cause big debates among economists as they all have different views on the economy at any given time.

Financial institutions carry the biggest reasin why in the period from2004 to 2007 these institutions had very huge debts and thus after that they made investments in mortgage bubble all in the hope of getting huge returns all went bust when the interest rates went up. It will shock most people to find out that despite the heavy losses that these firms were making the executives of the firms were being given high bonuses.

The financial crisis has affected a lot of people and the worldwide community. Foreign governments especially in the European Union have to execute their own bailouts so that depositors do not lose their money. The financial crisis has lead to many people debating the regulations of the international financial community and most people are angry at the fact that ordinary people get affected the most and how this can be avoided in the future.


Do Your Christmas Shopping Early

If you are that sort of person who tend to do all your Christmas shopping at the last minute, you are actually putting up a lot of stress on yourself by doing so. And with last minute shopping for Christmas you actually lose out the advantage of getting perfect gifts since you are in a hurry as well as there won’t be enough gifts to choose from. For these reasons and more it is hence always advisable to do all your Christmas shopping early rather than late.

One main advantage of doing your Christmas shopping is that you get to enjoy a whole of offers and deals which actually will be introduced during the early stages of Christmas shopping and you get the early advantage of going through all the bargains and deals in a slow and steady manner with ample time to decide upon which to buy and which not to buy. If you come back during the later you would be surprised to find that most of the deals and bargains available when you did your shopping earlier would have been either be stopped or the products would have been sold out due to the rush in sales. Thus you get the advantage in terms of saving some bucks with these bargains if you shop early.

The other important benefit of shopping early is that you can avoid those huge crowds which otherwise you can normally expect during the last minute shopping for Christmas especially in big malls and stores. Thus you don’t have to push and pull and sometimes fall while doing your Christmas shopping. Instead during that last minute you can relax with your family or even relax doing your last minute Christmas decoration and other chores. And also you get ample time for decoration and baking cookies or even doing all the wrappings of the gifts.

The other way to shop for your Christmas shopping is to do it around the year instead doing it within a short span of a month. Thus you can actually save lots of money as you will not end up getting huge debt or would end up short of budget if you do it in a month. You will also have ample time to go through the gifts that you have in mind and even if it is not there you can come back later to find it and get it for your loved ones.

If you do your Christmas shopping early you can plan well in advance including your budget and keep everything under your control.

No matter whether you shop early or shop late, but one thing you should remember is that you should have a very fixed budget for all your Christmas shopping and should stick to it to avoid getting struck in debt later. You should try to avoid using your credit card while going for Christmas shopping early as you would not have any control of what you buy, instead try to carry cash and stick to your budget.

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Christmas Shopping Within Your Budget

Christmas is the time where you enjoy by giving and receiving gifts but it is also the time which would put severe burden on some families financially. This will become even worse if you seem to have very large family or have a large group of friends to exchange gifts for Christmas. Christmas shopping could turn into a severe financial burden if you have severe compulsion in buying expensive gifts to gift your family and friends.

You can actually follow certain tips and ideas to help get over with such financial strain that you may suffer with your Christmas shopping.

One best way to deal with the financial issue is by preparing up a pre-planned budget. Another useful way to get over the financial burden by shopping through the year rather than shopping when the Christmas is nearing or shop at once. You can also follow tips and ideas discussed here to make your Christmas shopping a happy experience for you.

One thing you can start doing is to prepare a list of persons whom you are planning to gift and then se up a budget for your entire Christmas gifting plan. You can then divide the total amount of your budget and split it into equal parts for each of your gifts and buy the gifts accordingly and this will make sure you will not end up crossing the budget and you will also have the satisfaction of gifting the same amount to everyone you love. Thus you have prepared a budget for Christmas gifts and hence can relax without the fear of over burdening your financial plans for Christmas shopping.

Budgeting for Christmas shopping is one thing you should be doing without fail as there have been instances where the total budget for the Christmas shopping had doubled or even tripled for many and hence making it one of the worse Christmas ever for them later.

Another important method you can use when setting up the budget for Christmas shopping is to set out the money that you have planned for the same. And later you can individualize that money among the people whom you are going to gift. This can be done by way of allocating funds for those whom you are going to buy the Christmas gifts and then equating it among themselves.

You can actually allocate more funds for your closest relatives, especially for your family and plan accordingly to avoid the disappointment later. You should also allocate budget for this and divide among them equally to make it an even share.

One important step you need to take is to avoid using your credit card for your Christmas shopping as you might end up buying more than what you have planned for your gifting needs. Always buy from real cash or your debit card, as you might find it hard to part away your real money when compared to using credit cards, as this is human nature.

If you could stick to the budget set forth by you, then it might just well be a Christmas that could remember for long time to come.

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Strategies For Saving Money

In tough economic times, many wish they never had to eat so that they can quickly begin saving money at the grocery store. But the necessity of food is a reality so people must find other ways for saving money at the grocery store. The nice thing about saving money at the grocery store is that there are many strategies for accomplishing this goal. Here are a few of them for you to ponder.

Try to shop with your spouse or significant other. Saving money at the grocery store can be successful only if everyone in your household adjusts their buying habits. If family members are not willing to adjust their habits for saving money at the grocery store then you’ll have to go to the grocery store alone. But it is much more harmonious in terms of family relationships if everyone has the same goal.

Watch out for the health food stores. You will find that saving money at the grocery store is much easier if you stay away from grocery stores specializing in organic products. They are expensive and the benefits derived are probably not worth the extra money spent. The grocery store with the best prices is usually crowded most of the time.

Never use a credit card to pay for groceries. You might think you are saving money at the grocery store by managing these expenses on your credit card. And you can also take advantage of special sales and promotions at the grocery store by using your credit card when you don’t have the cash. However the problem is that most people do not pay off the balance on their credit card each month. When you do this, you buy something you consume quickly yet have to pay on that balance each month with interest. There is nothing to show for your use of credit.

Don’t drive all over town to take advantage of sales. They might be selling eggs at some great price clear across town but by the time you are finished you’ll realize that the sale made no contribution to saving money at the grocery store. Plus, you might fall into the trap of buying that store’s more expensive items since you are there.

Never go to the grocery store without first making a list. The problem with the grocery list is that it is never perfect and there is always something important that you forget. But it is still good for saving money at the grocery store because it helps to set a limit on your spending. If you have the time, try to collect the prices of grocery store items you typically buy and then make a grocery list that includes them. Then, you can get a rough estimate of how much you will be spending before you go to the grocery store and be able to fit it with your budget. The initial data collection of the prices will be somewhat tedious but it will be well worth it as far as saving money at the grocery store.

Don’t go to the grocery store without eating first. This is probably the most common sense way for saving money at the grocery store yet people fall into this trap quite often. The grocery store is full of promoters offering free cooked food samples. All it takes is to just smell the aroma and it will double your risk of falling into the hunger trap.


Free Up Earnings By Saving Money On Electricity

It’s really not that difficult to implement strategies for saving money on electricity. Some of the ways people are saving money on electricity are inexpensive while others might require a small one-time expense. But saving money on electricity will definitely be a help to your budget and the money freed up can go towards paying down debts, saving for a vacation, or put towards your financial goals. So let’s examine a few ways people are saving money on electricity and using that money for other things.

Install motion detection lighting in certain problem areas of your home. Saving money on electricity means turning the lights off when they aren’t being used. There are new innovations in lighting that can sense movement in an area and keep lights on while there is movement. They have been used outdoors for quite some time but people are also using them in bedrooms, stairwells, utility closets, and any other area where you want to make sure the lights are not left on.

Turn the lights off when you aren’t using them. While this seems like common sense for saving money on electricity, it is probably the biggest problem area there is. It’s not just children who have habits of leaving the lights on when a room is unoccupied. Usually it’s any person in the household who does not have to pay the electric bill.

Keep track of your meter and compare your reading with the one on your bill. You can find the information on the internet on how to read the small gauges on your electric meter. You’ll be more successful at saving money on electricity when you pay attention to even these small details. Humans still read meters and that fact means that mistakes can be made. Also, by knowing how to read your meter, you can determine if you are meeting your goals of reducing your electricity consumption and if you are heading toward saving money on electricity.

Use energy-efficient appliances. The older your appliances are, the more likely they are not as energy-efficient as they used to be. When buying new appliances look for anything on the product certifying its energy efficiency. In the United States, appliances must carry an EnergyGuide label with data pertaining to their estimated electricity consumption. Comparison will help you make the right choices among appliances and purchase the one that will be the most effective for saving money on electricity.

Maintain your appliances. This will keep them at optimum performance levels for saving money on electricity. The easiest appliance you can implement maintenance on is the refrigerator. This appliance is also used the most so it makes sense to take care of it first for saving money on electricity. With the refrigerator you want to make sure the air vents are clear of debris, it is not overfilled, and it is far enough away from the wall to allow for adequate air intake. Don’t let your vacuum cleaner bag get too full as this reduces this appliance’s efficiency. Basically any appliance with a filter in it needs to have those filters replaced when required to keep the electrical motors running at peak efficiency.


Paid Surveys To Earn Money

Paid surveys would serve as an excellent option to earn more money online without needing to work hard very much. This is unlike many other online programs to make money online, with paid surveys you can easily make money but not lump sum, but a significant enough amount, which might just come in handy when needed to pay off your smaller bills.

All you need to do is to sign up for some of the handful of genuine paid survey programs or sites and wait to receive mails from them with the survey invitations in them. If you complete these surveys completely, you will be paid depending upon the survey you complete.

The payment for each survey will vary and thus your earnings too. The best part of paid surveys is that you don’t have to dedicate long time in managing them or earning from them but can do it when you are free and earn a decent amount from them without toiling much.

But the key factor lies is in finishing up the surveys genuinely to get paid from them. You will not be paid then and there for finishing up the surveys but the payment will get accumulated in your account and once reached the prescribed payout limit you can redeem them for the payment easily.


The Genuine Paid Survey Site

Paid surveys could be termed as an excellent way to earn those extra bucks and would be ideal for home-makers. Although the money earned through paid surveys may not be as high when compared to other earning programs available online, it would still be complimenting with some additional income at your free time.

Since there have been huge number of scams floating around when it comes to paid surveys, you should be extra cautious and well researched on choosing the genuine paid survey programs.

Finding a genuine paid survey requires some time to be spent on researching about them. You can join any paid survey site which is free and then wait for the first survey to hit your mail and see how easy is it to finish up the survey and how much are you getting paid for that particular survey and if it is too lower, or lower than $1 for your valuable time, then you should not continue with them.

Similarly, lookout for the payout for that particular paid surveys service and if it is too high or very hard to reach, then you can automatically decide on whether to continue or not. The other way in which you might be scammed is that by not updating the payment info for the surveys that you have completed fully and so on.


Have You Considered The Benefits Of Saving Money

Any endeavor that requires discipline and a long journey has a greater chance of success if the partaker sees the benefits. Letting someone see the benefits of saving money will facilitate the achievement of their goal. The benefits of saving money are many. There are obvious benefits and those not-so-obvious. There are direct benefits of saving money as well as indirect ones. Let’s examine a few of the benefits of saving money so you can start today with a positive outlook.

One of the most obvious benefits of saving money is that you’ll be able to relax a little more. The tension between you and your spouse when out doing the family shopping will probably decrease. You don’t have to fall apart when your car breaks down. You’re ready when your child needs braces. And you’ll be able to take a vacation each year which adds to better health and happiness which is one of the side benefits of saving money.

Saving money helps you discover who your friends are. How can this be one of the benefits of saving money? Some people are our friends when everything is going well and we are splurging a lot of money. However in tough economic times like these, the majority of us have to tighten our belts and this might mean that we have to not do all those expensive activities with our friends like we used to. These are activities such as shopping marathons, expensive luncheons, and going out for beers 3 to 4 nights each week. Your true friends will support and be happy for you which can be one of the cherished benefits of saving money.

You’ll reduce your reliance on credit cards. An addition to the benefits of saving money in this area includes a savings in interest payments too. Because you are saving money now, you will have the amount you need when it comes time to purchase things you used to buy on credit cards. And even if you don’t have enough, you’ll still have to acquire less credit to make up the difference.

You will learn how to live with less in order to gain more. Learning to live with less and still be happy ranks with high value among the benefits of saving money. In other words, you will learn how to take the bus to work instead of drive your car thus saving money on gas and still be happy because you know you are reaping the benefits of saving money.

Self-employment is one of the attractive benefits of saving money in today’s troubled economy. You just cannot be certain as to your job security today. Self-employment gives you a way to live when unemployment rates are high. But anyone who is self-employed knows that there are peaks and valleys. By saving money, the self-employed person can level out those peak and valleys and make sure monthly expenses get paid.

Another of the benefits of saving money is a reduction of waste. You don’t buy too much of something only to not use it. For example, there are people who buy new shirts only to stack them up in the closet never to wear them. They only shopped and bought them because they used shopping as an escape. The environment also reaps from the benefits of saving money in that energy is not wasted.


Silver Card Pre-Paid MasterCard

The pre-paid Mastercard is just like a pre-paid phone card all money that is to be used must be paid before you are using the money. Using pre-paid cards do have there advantages but the disadvantage is you must put money on the card before actually using the card.

The positive side is that this pre-paid Mastercard doesn’t have an interest rate at all. To gain this Mastercard go to Mastercard.com and sign up or a store provider that will provide you with this kind of pre-paid Mastercard.

Using pre-paid cards is one way to get the first Mastercard but not using the Mastercard with actual credit will not get you use to Mastercard use. Check out many types of Mastercard and see which one will be best for your own use. For more information check out Mastercard.com.


Contental Finance Mastercard Credit Card

Contental finance MasterCard credit card is one that has a decent annual percentage rate the percentage rate is nineteen point ninety two percent and this is the good percentage rate. When using a Mastercard it is important to know the other factors inside of the card.

Using this card for certain purchases such as the grocery store can be something that be used but paying it off quickly is the best way not to be charged a large amount. Even with bad credit you would be able to use this Mastercard. For more information or to sign up go to Mastercard.com.


Tribute Gold Mastercard Credit Card

The Tribute Gold Mastercard credit card is one of the many credit cards created by Mastercard. This is an unsecured gold card that can be used just like any other normal credit card. Using credit cards is one way to use money that you do not have the overall percentage rate is nineteen point five percent and this percentage rate is quite high and something to use only when needed.

Purchasing gas with this credit card could be a bad idea as this will be something that will raise the cost of your overall cost. Learning the ways to use the Tribute Gold Mastercard credit card is one of the ways. Do you want to gain this credit card you can with a simply by filling out an online decision.

One of the benefits of using a Mastercard is that it is excepted over many locations. For more information you can go to Mastercard.com.


Continental Finance Gold Mastercard

With the Continental Finance Gold Master card that has a low nine point seven five annual percentage rate. This percentage rate is quite low and can be used with people with even poor credit. These months can be raised and have no monthly requirements. Grab an application in a few seconds and doing this will be a good deal.

To have a look at continental finance gold mastercard at MasterCard.com.


Capital One No Hassle MilesSM Rewards Credit Card

With this Capital One No Hassle MilesSM Rewards Credit Card you can earn miles towards trips to go on vacations and then go 25% faster then normal credit cards. Learn more about the Capital One No Hassle MilesSM rewards credit card by reading below about a few more of the benefits.

A) Earn .25 per one point twenty five dollars spent on any kind of purchase towards trip. There is also a deal where you can have a low annual percentage rate.

B)With the Capital One No Hassle MilesSM rewards credit card there re actually not any restrictions when looking to find a room.

C) There is not any expiration on any of the miles that you do earn so you may save this for as long as you would like to save.


First Premier Bank Platinum Credit Card

First Premier Bank Platinum credit card has an annual percentage rate of nine seven five percent this percentage rate is low in comparison and this is a low amount of interest when in comparison to other credit cards. This credit card goes up semi-annually and this is a large time frame that goes up.

When choosing to gain a First Premier Bank Platinum credit card you should know there are no income requirements when it comes to gaining a large amount of credit using this kind of credit card could be used quickly.

Getting an application and filling it out will be a good amount and doing this will have a good effect on your report. Learn more about this by going to a First Premier Bank.


Total Visa Credit Cards

Total Visa credit cards provides you with a quick decision that can be decided online. This kind of convenience is something that allows you to be approved and have a card sent to your house if you have been approved on good credit. The Total Visa credit card provides you with reporting to most credit bureau’s.

One other benefit of Total Visa credit card is the fact that the twenty four access you can have to credit card statements online. The Total Visa credit card also provides excellent customer service which is something that not all the credit cards could be and this is something that will provide the world with great service.

Here are the breakdowns:

The APR is Nineteen point Ninety Nine Percent

There is a forty eight dollar annual fee when using the Total Visa credit card

This card even allows for people with poor credit to get on this kind of card system. There are many benefits ofgoing to this kind of credit card but the one thing to watch out for is the high interest rate.If you decide to get this credit card.


Citi Platinum Select Card Credit Card

The Citi Platinum Select card credit card comes with a zero percent intro APR and the normal rate at which this card charges interest is roughly seven point five percent. The good point about this card is that there is a no cash fee per year just for owning the card, this doesn’t mean for using the card as this will be counted as debits on the card.

Want to complete a balance transfer to another Citi bank or other banking card then this is also possible for up to tweleve months. Overall bankingtopia gives this card a decent rating learn more about this card and how to gain this card at the Citi Bank website.

Added: Sunday, February 22, 2009

Capital One Platinum Visa Credit Card

The Capital one platinum visa credit card allows you to pay no interest on purchases till the year 2009 with the current date that doesn’t leave allot of time but this deal could renew in the future.

A) There are benefits to using the Capital one platinum visa credit card one of these benefits is the high APR which is eight point nine percent.

B) If your Capital One Platinum Visa Credit Card ever gets stolen you are not liable for any monies that are spent, meaning you would not lose all of your hard earned money if you are jacked.

Now if you are wondering what it would cost to make a transfer from the Capital One Platinum Visa Credit Card then you should know it will cost $39 per time. This is a good rate and a decent credit card.

For more information on this credit card contact VISA at VISA.com.


New Visa Black Card

AMEX is the first famous “Black” card that is used by many people in the business world today many top manufacturers and company owners use this kind of Black Card to show there worth. Here are a few details about the new visa black card.

a) The new visa black card is completely made from “Carbon Graphite” this is a different material then most credit cards are used.

b) Gifts

These are benefits the cost of using this card is

a) It costs four hundred and ninety five dollars a year to become an owner of this card. This when compared to AMEX’s $2,500 a year is actually quite a saving.

b) Exclusivity of only one percent of Americans will be able to gain the new visa black card.


E-Banking Inside a Bank

E-Banking besides affecting the outlook of bank has also significantly influenced the ways in which bank manager interact with his colleague and the way he carries out his routine duties. A CBIS (Computer Based Information System) is now considered a primary need of every modern commercial bank. A CBIS is a system that automates the process of recording transactions, posting entries, updating accounts, and balances, generating reports and reviewing results, Following are some components of CBIS.

1- MIS (Management Information System)

A good MIS is that fulfils all information need of management well in time. Not only the information is important but also the style and mode in which information is presented is also crucial in deciding the worth of information. E-Banking make use of the MIS to increase the managerial capabilities and operative efficiency of bank managers and employees.
As Information need vary along the levels of management so normally the organization has three levels of MIS. These are as follows:

• Strategic MIS
• Tactical MIS
• Operational MIS

2- DSS (Decision Support System)

It is a system that helps the management to find solution of unstructured problems. Such problems have long-term effects and they are poorly defined. They are complex in nature and involve a greater degree of uncertainty. In terms of banking we can take examples of portfolio investments, future gain on mutual fund, growth of micro financing in the society, chances of success of an energy project etc. Such decisions require bank management to apply professional and sophisticates techniques to analyse all components of problems before finding a solution. DSS helps to produce and present information n such a way that make decision making easy in risky circumstances.

3- EIS: (Executive Information System)

An EIS is the system that allows an opportunity to an executive to peep behind the final reports and figures. It provides a higher-level executive with an insight in bank’s affairs and conduct of employees. It allows a bank manager to scan the branch environment to locate any inefficiency or rigidity. It also provides an ease to view same information from different angles and perspectives.

4- TPS and RGS: (Transaction Processing System / Report Generating System)

TPS means the system that automates the process of recording transitions. If you have been a regular visitor to a bank you must have notices that previously you would have to wait in line when you go to deposit amount in your account. The bank employees would record amount, manually on various big registers. The client waits as the bank employees fumble with lots of hefty journals and ledgers to find the correct one. And now look at the current state of affairs. Just two signatures in the pay in slip and a little jerk of finger on keyboard and every thing is completed. Transaction is recorded, entries made, amounts posted, balance update, master file corrected in just matter of seconds, this is TPS. It also reduces the chances of clerical mistakes and errors, Similarly the report generation system also help in quick production of all kinds of report and data.


Top Benefits Of E-Banking

In recent time E-banking has spread rapidly all over the globe. All Banks are making greater use of E-banking facilities to provide batter service and to excel in competition. The spread of E-banking has also greatly benefited the ordinary customer in general and corporate world in particular. The following points summarize benefits of E-Banking.

Benefits to Consumers:

General consumers have been significantly affected in a positive manner by E-banking. Many of the ordinary tasks have now been fully automated resulting in greater ease and comfort.
• Customer’s account is extremely accesses able with an online account.
• Customer can withdraw can at any time through ATMs that are now widely available throughout the country.
• Beside withdrawing cash customers can also have mini banks statements, balance inquiry at these ATMs
• Through Internet Banking customer can operate his account while sitting in his office or home. There is no need to go to the bank in person for such matter.
• E banking has also greatly helped in payment of utility bill. Now there is no need to stand in long queues outside banks for his purpose.
• All services that are usually available from the local bank can be found on a single website.
• The Growth of credit card usage also owes greatly to E-banking. Now a customer can shop world wide without any need of carrying paper money with him.
• Banks are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and they are only a mouse click away.

Benefits to Banking Industry:

Banking industry has also received numerous benefits due to growth of E-Banking infrastructure. There are highlighted below:
• The growth of E-banking has greatly helped the banks in controlling their over heads and operating cost
• Many repetitive and tedious tasks have now been fully automated resulting in greater efficiency, better time usage and enhanced control.
• The rise of E-banking has made banks more competitive. It has also led to expansion of the banking industry, opening of new avenues for banking operations.
• Electronic banking has greatly helped the banking industry to reduce paper work, thus helping them to move the paper less environment.
• Electronic banking has also helped bank in proper documentation of their records and transactions.
• The reach and delivery capabilities of computer networks, such as the Internet, are far better than any branch network.

Benefits to General Economy:

Electronic Banking as already stated has greatly serviced both the general public and the banking industry. This has resulted in creation of a better enabling environment that supports growth, productivity and prosperity. Besides many tangible benefit in form of reduction if cost, reduced delivery time, increased efficiency, reduced wastage, e-banking electronically controlled and thoroughly monitored environment discourage many illegal and illegitimate practices associated with banking industry like money laundering, frauds and embezzlement. Further E-banking has helped banks in better monitoring of their customer base. This it is a useful tool in the hand of the bank to device suitable commercial packages that are in conformity with customer needs. As e banking provide opportunity to banking sector to enlarge their customer base, a consequence to increase the of volume of credit creation which results in better economic condition, Besides all this E-banking has also helped in documentation of the economic activity of the masses.


Top Issues in E-Banking

E-banking as we take it today is a very superficial phenomena. A very Complex network commitment of thousand of people, extensive market research, huge technological structure, series of integrated computers and many more things stands behind the products that has made job of a banker and life of a bank client easy as well as mechanical. Here, I will highlight some important issue from both the producer prospect.

E-Banking (The Producer Side):

The producers are the bankers. Thee are the people who lead the bank and deign the policies following issues need a particular attention as the discussion comes to E-Banking.

(i)- Location Customers:

As a bank moves on to e-banking or comes online or start Internet banking. Its market at once expands to the other corner of the world. As the market expand the potential customers and the competitors also increase. These places more responsibility on the shoulders of the bank management to locate more clients to justify the huge investment that bank has made to come online. A bank is required to know the values of its global customers. He is required to broaden his view so as to develop the art of seeing the invisible.

(ii)- User Friendliness:

How effective is online service of the back? The effectiveness can be judged from the degree of the user friendliness. Every Client of the back need not be a computer expert as well. So he might get irritated if the online service requires him to perform many tasks that demand technical knowledge of the computer programs. For better results the e Baking should be made free of all kind of unwanted technical details.

(iii)- Computer Crime:

Cyber Terrorism is increasing with the passage of time. Banks are one of the greatest victims of it. Money manipulation and embezzlement by AMTs and online technology is a threat to the success of the e-banking (I think all of us remember that how the kid in famous movie Terminator 2 decodes the accounts and takes money from ATM)

(iv) - Human Element:

Well would any one of us like to live a life at a place where there would be all amenities of life but no other human being? Absolutely NO. There is an extend to which we make our life mechanical. Beyond that we need a human element to heal the ailments of mechanical life. Similar is the case of e-Banking. There is a need to identify places where client needs a representation from good-looking neatly dressed bank employees in an amicable way. A Computer assisted voice message or an e-mail message is likely to irritate the client at such places. So e-banking is good but not every time.

(v) - Regulation Authority:

The Legal framework, rules and regulations hold an important position in the promotion of e banking. Where a bank goes multinational or multi-local it ha to watch rules that change with new area. There might be different polices, tax rates, tariffs, criteria of service or hinder ness to access particular market. Electronic evidences may or may not be legally acceptable at different places. Legal Position of electronic contract also ha a different definition around the globe.

(vi) - The Human Resource:

Although IT products and electronic devices are conquering more and more banks, yet we must never forget those who operate there machines and make use of equipment. The human resource is always superior to a mechanical resource. Remember that the human capital is the sustainable competitive advantage. Their motivation is at times far more important that than the operative efficiency of the machine. So a Bank must pay considerable attention towards the motivation, commitment and above all loyalty of its employees.

(vii)- Cut-Throat Global Competition:

As Already stated competition get more and more fierce. As the battle ground and competitor change so do the plans and policies and equipment to fight with. The biggest weapon in e banking battlefield is innovation and information about innovation. Mistakes could be fatal and speed and accuracy are most reliable tools. Rather than trying to do better than a competitor, try to innovate a new product. Because by the time you get expertise in some other’s product and become better at it’ your competitor would have moved to second or third generation of that product, So don’t waste time in copying, rather than other copy you.


California Mortgage Rates

California being one of the richest and most popular states in the United States claims higher mortgage rates compared to other states.However, the State government, in line with their unfailing quest provide their residents a decent home or provide other livelihood loans are giving out some adjustments with their rates, especially if you have an excellent credit score.

California’s mortgage rates range from 5.489 % to 6.373% to date, that which is based on a 5 year term to a 30 years term respectively. These are also in lieu with California’s existing laws regarding adjustable rate mortgage. For such terms, payment per month could be as low as $500 or could be as high as $900 each depending on your choice. There’s also the Home equity loan and the refinancing that California provides depending on a residents points, credit standing and the line of credit one has.

California’s mortgage rates nowadays have become higher due to the Statewide recession and bankruptcy of several banks and establishments. Although, the state Government led by none other than Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, are making amendments on how to subdivide or adjust the mortgage rates in such a way that Californians would still be able to pay their dues without hurting their pocket that much.

There are several sites online where a prospective buyer or someone who’s looking forward to getting a loan in California, can check and calculate their fees and mortgage rates to help them decide whether to buy or rent a home. This is very useful especially nowadays, due to the economic recession.


Obtain Online Mortgage Advices

Nowadays one has little or no time to meet and discuss matters in real! Businesses have shifted online and one doesn’t travel in reality to sort out matters! Virtual travel is a fad these days. But no! It isn’t just fancy. Internet is undoubtedly one of the most useful aids of the new millennium.

Same is the case with mortgage market and advices. You can find great mortgage advices online and further you can even find an agent to hunt out the best advice for you! Here again, the authenticity of online mortgage advices are in question and seen with suspicion often. A piece of suggestion would be to continue to do so, as this cautiousness will save you a big deal in the long run.

Various types of mortgages schemes (that mainly includes reverse mortgage, second mortgage, home equity mortgage, refinance mortgage loans) can easily be obtained online. So, how does one go about with this online mortgage or the online mortgage advice prior to it?

Firstly, do your search on the various online mortgage advice services. This can be done with the help of directories (both offline and online). These directories offer you a great source of information on various services, feedback obtained and so on. Exclusive websites that compare and evaluate various mortgage services can be browsed too. However, having a look out on the feedback from users (you can use forums and social networking for this!) can give you an unbiased picture of the reality.

Keep more than one choices for the advice! You just ought to fill in a form and submit it. Many of the advice offering services do provide with a free trial. Do order for one and evaluate their capabilities yourself. A word of caution here; do not fall for cons that ask for private information.

A flying thought just questioned- what’s the use of going online? Two advantages can be viewed straightaway. First one, you will save a huge bag of time and can get your work done at your comfort from any place! Secondly it provides you more exposure citing internet far surpasses physical boundaries.
